We believe passionately that we are here to serve all who live in our parish, especially the vulnerable and those on the edges of society. To that end, our church hall hosts a variety of projects committed to working alongside the homeless, those involved in the sex trade, those with addictions, the unemployed and the young.

NLAH runs a twice-weekly drop-in centre for homeless people and for those in needy circumstances. On Monday lunch 12–1.30pm, and Wednesday supper 7–8.30pm, they provide a three-course vegetarian meal and support and advice for clients, free of charge.

This 2-acre former burial ground was regenerated by a £600,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and generous grants from West Hackney Parochial Charity, St Paul's Church and the London Marathon Trust. It's an award-winning space for people to relax, meet friends, walk their dogs, exercise or garden.

A charity covering the Parish of West Hackney as of 1823. Trustees consider grant applications for purposes that come under the charity's objects and current funding priorities which are: education and training opportunities for young people; to relieve individual or general need, hardship or distress.

Growing Communities runs the UK's only 100% organic farmers' market from 10–2.30pm at St Paul's every Saturday. All farmers are either organic or bio-dynamic and stallholders making processed foods source most of their ingredients from those farmers. Growing Communities makes regular food donations to North London Action for the Homeless.

The Over 50's Dance Group presents reggae and soca dancing nights in the church hall on 2–3 Friday evenings per month. Come along and dance the night away, exercising to rhythm and music – bring your own rum and fishcakes! To find out more, contact Barbara on 0777 868 0069.

The 13th Hackney Rainbows aged 5–7 and Brownies aged 7–10 meet together every Thursday from 6–7.30pm. The girls regularly engage in community work, for example helping set up for the Hackney Winter Night Shelter every week at the end of their meeting. The13th Hackney Guides – aged 10–15 – meet on Tuesday evenings from 6–7.30pm.

Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Recovering addicts meet to help each other stay clean. Stoke Newington NA meets at St Paul’s on Thursday 8pm and Sunday – women only – from 5.30pm.

The award-winning No Frills Social Club meets on the first and second Wednesday of every month for chat, fun and dancing for seniors aged 60+. There’s no need to book, just rock up! Doors are open from 11.30am and the fun starts at 12 noon. £5 on the door – cash only!

The Choir with No Name runs choirs and builds joyful singing communities with homeless and marginalised people. Expect a relaxed sing-song!
You can just turn up at rehearsal with arrival from 6:30pm Monday for a cuppa and a catch up then singing from 7pm and a free hot meal after rehearsal. Call 07464 928122 or email jane@choirwithnoname.org to find out more.

Enjoy 45 minutes of gentle chair-based & yoga-based exercise with a short time of stillness and meditation. For folk aged 50 years and over. We meet in St Paul’s Church Hall – doors open at 10.15am for prompt start at 10.30am. Admission is free and Sit & Stretch is kindly offered by Yogahome.